Monday, January 3, 2011

Have More Fun Gambling Online - You'll Win More

Say it with me: I do declare! That's right, say it again: I DO Delclare! (Say it with a southern accent, y''s funnier that way) Proclaim it from the mountaintop! I DO DECLARE!!!!! No, seriously - really say it out loud. Don't just mouth it. I don't care if you're at work or reading this from your iPhone in the public library. Shout it out. Believe me, it will make you laugh.

So where am I going with all of this you ask? Well, what I was trying to demonstrate (I hope you went along with it) was that most people, myself included, far too often forget to have fun, laugh and look at the lighter side of things. We're always walking around with a serious expression on our faces, or if we do laugh at all, it's a chuckle of irony or dare I say cynicism. C'mon, you know that's the worst of all. Growing cynical! Oh my, the humanity!

And it doesn't matter if we are actually engaged in an activity that is supposed to be fun anyways. We're too focused on other things that we forget to just allow the "funness" to wash over us. Case in point: Gambling. Ya, I know, how convenient, right? Like how I slipped that one in there, huh? But really people, online gambling is supposed to be FUN. Sure, most people do it because of the chance of winning money. But we still have to remember that it's entertainment, and that there is no guarantee you will win - no matter how much strategy you use.

Of course, using a sound mathematical strategy will help increase your overall odds. But remember, the theoretical return on all casino games results from a fluctuation of wins and losses - and you simply can't predict when a string of losses is going to befall you. So, what you do when this happens, besides call it quits or take a break? Well, you do like I've been trying to get you to do. Yell out loud at the top of your lungs (in a Southern accent, of course) "I do declare"! What's that? Your blackjack hand just busted? I do declare! One card short of a winning hand? Well, I do declare!

And yes, if you find yourself saying "I do declare" more than Sarah Palin says "that was a double standard" in her new book, well then, maybe you should call it quits for the day. But in the meantime people, don't forget to have fun when your gambling in the online casino. If you're too serious, all you're doing to do is get real excited when you win, then real angry on the turn of a dime, depressed and anxiety ridden, and possibly on the verge of a heart attack. Now, that doesn't sound like fun, does it. Instead, let that little kid out (the responsible little kid) and tell yourself ahead of time that you are going to have fun no matter if you win or lose.

I've been told, you'll actually start to win more too. Don't believe me? Well, I do declare!!!

1 comment:

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